Gallery mostly repopulated

It took me a little while (way too long) to get a handle on how this software works, but I’ve more or less got it now and I have re-uploaded the majority of the galleries that existed on Gravitonhigh on this website. Lightbox browsing is now supported so looking at the galleries on your phone will be a much more pleasant experience. Some optimization is still necessary with some pictures zooming in way too big, but for now at least they’re available. I am planning on including a link for zipped versions of the galleries as well for those who like to have the actual documents on their HD. I have not done the merchandise gallery yet, because I plan to take all-new pictures of the items in my collection with the same background for the sake of uniformity.

Also, I suffered an HD crash recently and I’ve lost all of my Japanese versions of the books that were translated. Now that storage is not an issue I’d like to reupload those for the sake of any Japanese speakers that may visit the site. Please get in contact with me if you saved those files, or anything else you think should be featured here.

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