Category News

The A-ko Blu-Ray is here!

The new Discotek Blu-Ray of Project A-ko has finally begun to make its way into everyone’s hands! I was eagerly awaiting this and hoped to have it for Christmas, but a few days after was still OK. This disc is so jam-packed that when I put it in, I spent so much time looking at the supplemental materials that I had to go to bed without actually seeing the movie. These are some of the best and most extensive extras I’ve ever seen on a DVD that wasn’t part of some premium set. This release is basically an A-ko encyclopedia.

I regret that I can’t make any screencaps, I just bought a new PC and it doesn’t have an optical drive. I thought I could do it on PS4, but it doesn’t let you make caps from DVDs...

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New Model Kit and Merchandise Galleries added

I’ve been busy at work photographing and scanning my collections with updated pictures, and I’m pleased to announce that the Model Kit gallery is complete and the Merchandise one is well on its way. I hope you like my new background!

Model Kits


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Gallery mostly repopulated

It took me a little while (way too long) to get a handle on how this software works, but I’ve more or less got it now and I have re-uploaded the majority of the galleries that existed on Gravitonhigh on this website. Lightbox browsing is now supported so looking at the galleries on your phone will be a much more pleasant experience. Some optimization is still necessary with some pictures zooming in way too big, but for now at least they’re available. I am planning on including a link for zipped versions of the galleries as well for those who like to have the actual documents on their HD. I have not done the merchandise gallery yet, because I plan to take all-new pictures of the items in my collection with the same background for the sake of uniformity.

Also, I suffered an HD cr...

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Project A-ko Remaster hopefully to come during 2021

Although it isn’t the freshest of news anymore, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the biggest A-ko revelation in recent memory, the story behind the upcoming Discotek Blu-ray remaster of Project A-ko. For decades the original 35MM master of the movie was considered lost, and any re-releases on DVD have been based on the best available sources. As it turns out, Robert Woodhead of AnimEigo was about to remaster one of their licensed properties, M.A.D.O.X. 01, and when he requested the original master from the film library, Project A-ko’s master was found, misfiled, in the same area...

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Project A-ko Official Artbook in English

It’s my pleasure to share the Official Artbook that expands on the first movie. This book is a real treasure, full of character and mecha designs, rejected concepts, facts about the character’s pasts and speculation about their future! This presentation wouldn’t be possible without scanner Neil Creek and translator MaruTen. Enjoy!

Click here!

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