Although it isn’t the freshest of news anymore, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the biggest A-ko revelation in recent memory, the story behind the upcoming Discotek Blu-ray remaster of Project A-ko. For decades the original 35MM master of the movie was considered lost, and any re-releases on DVD have been based on the best available sources. As it turns out, Robert Woodhead of AnimEigo was about to remaster one of their licensed properties, M.A.D.O.X. 01, and when he requested the original master from the film library, Project A-ko’s master was found, misfiled, in the same area. Woodhead, in the spirit of anime guy brotherhood, passed on the discovery to Discotek who made the decision to scrap all of the hard work they’d already invested in restoring the movie in favor of using this source. They’re working hard to get it out before the end of 2021 but as these things take time I won’t be too disappointed if it takes a little longer. But I’d love to get this for Christmas just like my VHS copy way back when.
Needless to say, this is great news for A-ko fans! We’ll get to see this movie the way the fans back in the 80’s saw it- and dare I hope for a theatrical release? I’m also hoping that the Japanese release is successful and raises the series’ profile enough that we get some new merchandise. For now, we have a tentative cover for the Project A-ko Perfect Edition, from Skullgirls artist Kinuko! It really nails that 80s flavor.

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